Thursday, December 18, 2008

It's the Jukebox

Do you ever get frustrated with having to switch from one cartridge to another, and then realize you didn't finish with the first cartridge after all? If you already use the Design Studio software, the Jukebox is the perfect complement. The Jukebox will hold up to six cartridges, and has space to store the books and overlays underneath. You can also hook up to three Jukeboxes together, to use up to eighteen cartridges with ease.

First you connect the Jukebox by plugging the cord into the place where you place the cartridge in your Cricut or Cricut Expressions machine. Then you load up the Jukebox with up to six cartridges each. Hook the Cricut machine to your computer and bring up the Design Studio. You can access shapes from multiple cartridges at once this way to design combined shapes or words.

If you don't have the Design Studio software, you can still use the Jukebox attached directly to your Cricut machine, but you'll have to use one cartridge at a time. Still, the Jukebox provides plenty of space for you to store those cartridges that you use often so they're right at your fingertips.

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