Friday, February 13, 2009

Make a Special Treat

Recently I tried out a new treat that will melt in your mouth. Since I had some extra egg whites on hand after another cooking project I whipped them up in my mixer. I used three whites. When the whites are stiff, but not dry I added a 1/4 cup of powdered sugar per white, so in this case, 3/4 cup of sugar. Since I was low on powdered sugar, I put the 3/4 cup of regular, granulates sugar in my blender and ran it for 30 to 60 seconds.
Incorporate the sugar slowly as you continue to beat the eggs. Continue to mix until it doesn't feel grainy when a little bit is rubbed between your forefinger and thumb. It is important that all of the sugar is dissolved.
Next spoon the mixture into a pastry bag. If you prefer the disposable parchment-type bags, that works as well. I used tip #822 onmy bag, but any open-star tip will work.It's best to use parchment paper on the cookie sheet so the meringue treats will lift off easily after baking. If you don't have any parchment, don't use waxed paper or oil as it will break down the egg whites. Start by making the base the width you like, then slowly spiral upward until you reach the middle.

Alternately, if you have trouble making spirals, you could hold it down until it pushes out enough to make the right sized base, then continue to dispense as you slowly lift your bag.
If you want to dress things up, now is a great time to add colored sprinkles or little candies.Put in a cool oven (about 325) for 30 minutes and then let them cool down with the oven. If they start to brown turn the oven down.You could add lemon juice and zest, other time I'm going to try cocoa powder.

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